Partridge Lakes, Open Match, 06.12.14


Weather: Overcast, 3C, 8mph SW wind, Air pressure 1027

Peg: Covey 101

54 Fished

Covey 1-5 was in today and I was hoping to get on Covey’s 1-3 as I haven’t been on them yet this winter. I drew peg 101 which I was a little disappointed with, but on a cold today like today you never know where the fish will be balled up and hopefully they would be in front of me.  I had Andy Bennett in my section on peg 106, so I was hoping Andy would frame leaving the other four of us fighting for the section.  After seeing the Thursday open results where mid twenties was good enough to frame and considering the freezing temperatures overnight, I set myself a target weight of 15lb.

Set up:

MW F1 Slim 8 x 11, 4ft

MW F1 Slim 6 X 11, 3ft

Malman winter wire 4 x…

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